- ms. dr. Andréa A. Kroon (chairwoman), independent art historian at Kroon & Wagtberg Hansen, specialised in the material culture of freemasonry;
- ms. Iris de Zoete BA (secretary), scholar or religious studies, specializing in women and freemasonry around 1900; former assitant at the Vrijmetselarij Museum,
- ms. dr. Marty Th. Bax (treasurer), independent art historian at Baxart Concepts & Services, specializing the the relationship between art and western esotericism around 1900;
- prof.dr. Jan A.M. Snoek (board member), senior scholar of religious studies at the University of Heidelberg, specializing in the history and ritual practice of freemasonry, ;
- Blair Kneppers BaA (board member), alumnus of the Reinwardt Academy and Head of the Vrijmetselarij Museum.
The board is advised by an international comittee of recommendation:
- prof. dr. Wouter Hanegraaff, Chair for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
- prof. emerit. Anton van de Sande, former professor at the Chair for Freemasonry as an Intellectual Current and Socio-cultural European Phenomenon, University of Leiden, The Netherlands;
- prof. Luc Nefontaine, Institut d’Etudes des Religions et de la Laïcité, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium);
- prof. dr. Andrew Prescott, former director of the Centre for Research into Freemasonry, University of Sheffield (UK) / professor at the Digital Humanities, University of Glasgow (UK);
- prof. dr. Jean-Pierre Brach, Chaire d'Histoire des courants ésotériques dans l'Europe moderne et contemporaine / directeur d’études de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des Sciences Religieuses, Sorbonne, Parijs (France);
- ms. prof. dr. Cécile Révauger, professor at the Dept. English Studies, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France);
- prof. emerit. dr. Helmut Reinalter, former chairman of the Wissenschaftliche Kommission zur Erforschung der Freimaurerei / Institut für Geschichte, Universität Innsbruck (Austria);
- prof.dr. J.A.F. Benimeli, Centro de Estudios Históricos de la Masoneria Española, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain);
- ms. prof. emerit. Margaret C. Jacob, Distinguished Professor of Research, Department of History, University of California in Los Angeles (USA);
- prof. dr. Robert-Jan van Pelt, School of Architecture, University of Waterloo, Ontario (Canada).