
New publications

The Centre for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism has proudly announced the planned publication of the firts issue of The Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism, to be published by Equinox Publishers. A call for papers for the first issue, themed 'The Impact of Freemasonry and Fraternal Organizations upon the Formation of National Identity', is available on the website of the publisher. The Guest Editor will be Professor Jeffrey Tyssens (Free University of Brussels). No doubt this new journal will provide a strong impulse to cross-disciplinary research into freemasonry's rich history.

In 2006 the OVN published Symbolism in 18th Century Gardens. The Influence of Intellectual and Esoteric Currents, such as Freemasonry (ISBN 9080777838) after a conference on the subject in the masonic garden at Schwetzingen in 2006. Scholars working on related topics may be interested in a new study of the masonic symbolism in Parc Monceau in Paris and the garden at Louisenlund in Güby has been pub: Franz Wegener, Der Freimaurergarten. Die geheimen Gärten der Freimaurer des 18. Jahrhunderts, KFVR - Kulturförderverein Ruhrgebiet e.V., Gladbeck 2008, ISBN : 978-3-931300-22-7, 224 pages, € 24,80.

There are many fraternal organizations related to freemasonry, the history of which still needs to be described. OVN board member Jan Snoek has recently documented the history of the Independent United Order of Mechanics, an organization which may be new to many readers of this blog. Snoek concludes that the rituals of this Order are closely linked to masonic rituals, and - although the oldest known document of the Order dates from 1833 - that its roots lie in the 18th century (in accordance to oral history, which tells of its foundation in 1757): Jan A.M. Snoek, Ritual Dynamics in the Independent United Order of Mechanics, (Forum Ritualdynamik. Diskussionsbeiträge des SFB 619 Ritualdynamik der Ruprecht - KarlsUniversität Heidelberg) to be published end 2008.

Despite of the obvious language barrier, two Dutch publications deserve to be mentioned here, as they touch upon topics and persons which are relevant to scholars in other countries:

C.P.C. Heller, Vrijmetselaarsloge La Vertu en haar leden, bezien in het Leiden van de negentiende eeuw, Wiseman Publishing,ISBN 978-90-8963-004-9, 118 pages, € 15,95. Publication of an MA-students final paper on the lodge La Vertu in Leiden, the Netherlands.

Jan A.M. Snoek. 'De vele en schreeuwende faiten teegen de broederschap begaan' door [John] George Smith (ca. 1728-ca. 1785)', in: C. van Heertum/T. Jongenelen/F. van Lamoen (red.), De andere achttiende eeuw. Opstellen voor André Hanou, Uitgeverij Van Tilt , Nijmegen 2007, ISBN 978-90-77503-67-6, 288 pages, € 22,50. An article on the rogue and freemason George Smith.

The newsletter of the French Institut d'Etudes et de Recherche maconniques (IDERM) regularly discusses new titles in the field of study. A small selection from recent issues:
- Philippe Libert, Les Vrais Amis de l'Union et du Progrès Réunis, Grand Orient de Belgique 2007, 428 pages, € 23,-. History of a the lodge Les Vrais Amis de l'Union et du Progrès Réunis in Brussels from 1782 onwards.
- Benjamin Franlin, un américain à Paris, tentoonstellingscatalogus Musée Carnavalet, Paris 2007, 272 pages, € 39,-. About Franklin’s membership of the lodge Les Neuf Soeurs.
- Guy Chassagnard, Aux sources du Rite Ecossais Ancien et Accepté, Editions Alphee 2008, 640 pages, € 24,90. Historica loverview of the Scottish Rite and its sources.
- Gearges Lamoine (red.), Le Manuscrit Francken de 1783, Editions Snes, Toulouse 2007, 216 pages, € 19,-. Annotated reprint of the famous manuscript ritual.
- Marc Labouret, Les méteaux et la mémoire, la franc-maçonnerie française racontée par ses jetons et medailles, Maison Platt, 2007, 398 pp., € 100,-. Richly illustrated publication on French masonic commemorative coins and tokens.

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